Tattoo Removal

Are you unhappy with the colour or shape of your enhancement and would like to start over?

Do you have unwanted Permanent Makeup, microblading or small body tattoos?

I can help achieve this with MM Tattoo Removal.If your skin is too saturated with pigment, I can remove layers of the unwanted colour to enable more space for new pigment to be added. This removal process may require multiple visits as it is unknown how deep the old PMU/tattoo is, but it is a safe and affordable option. 

A full consultation will be given along with a treatment plan to track your results.

What is MM tattoo removal?

MM tattoo Removal is an alkaline based removal product mixed with glycolic acid, which is exceptional for dissolving pigment and respectful to the skin.

How does it work?

With the use of a Permanent Makeup Machine and needles I gently open the skin in the are and apply the solution.  This then meets the pigment and is drawn out from the skin in the form or a crust.  
Strict aftercare must be followed to ensure the best possible results.